The context: The Disinfo Lab claims to use research to fight disinformation—specifically about India. It positions itself as a “neutral organisation on a par with well-known Western disinformation research groups.” However, its reports have mostly targeted prominent government critics—claiming they have unsavoury connections to Khalistanis, Pakistan intelligence and/or the left-leaning billionaire philanthropist George Soros.
What happened now: According to a Washington Post investigation, Disinfo Lab is actually run by a RAW intelligence officer Lt. Col. Dibya Satpathy:
Much of the Disinfo Lab’s work reflected the thinking of its founder, Satpathy, who was described by journalists, a government official and a person close to the military as a deeply patriotic officer who is fascinated by geopolitical intrigue and concerned by threats he sees India facing… the operation emerged from a world view in which India is besieged by “information warfare” from foreign countries that stoke religious divisions and grievances within India.